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Sysadmin, interested in new technologies, communications, multimedia, accessibility, better Linux than Windows, better Android than IOS and similar.



Peter Vágner

I finally figured out what prevented me opening TV channels in VLC on windows. Under Configuration -> General ... change authentication type to both plain and digest. On linux this has never been an issue.

Peter Vágner

I've installed to serve my music collection last night.
Initially it looks simple and straight forward. I can use both its web UI and the dedicated app called . There is a addon so I'll be testing that soon as well.

Peter Vágner

an awesome editor for has got some love in version 2.2.1 get it from github, googleplay and soon.

Peter Vágner

Essential reading if you can dive more into reproducible builds

Peter Vágner

radio app for is now at v3.2.0. Except of things listed in the changelog it features a few improvements and slovak translation. Enjoy a simple but powerfull app with Talkback or any other screen reader of choice. Gplay: F-Droid (coming soon):

Peter Vágner

hmmm. I feel we all users relying on its shal start looking for a different platform of choice to the future.

Peter Vágner

oh damn! v18 does not handle keyboard input when playing games via built-in

Peter Vágner

can be made accessible when running under linux. It's just that the working patch has not landed for some 10 years...

Peter Vágner

Although recently I have created a mastodon account on a local server I am finding is the future. With you can just follow and it should work. Hmmm. awesome.

Peter Vágner

pro tip. If you don't know what a device model you have just SSH in and execute 'ubus call system board' withouth the quotes.