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Peter Vágner

Oooops, for nightly does not work for me at all with . has issues. Web content is not .

Peter Vágner

people how would you improve accessibility of a conversation window of a app? It's applicable to more apps...

Peter Vágner

Learning a bit of CISCO CLI stuff the hard way by tweaking existing network. I can do Vlan assigments, Acl, DHCP config & more.

Peter Vágner

guys can you please give me some tips on how to do some accessible components with ? e.g. popupmenu, list, listbox...

Peter Vágner

Funy thing over here. All of @Google is unroutable from a lot of networks here in slovakia.

Peter Vágner

Can anyone help me to figure out how to view php errors when developing bootstrap powered web site?

Peter Vágner

Aqua mail email app has been acquired by MobiSystems. Hopefully it'll stay amazing.

Peter Vágner

I'm just wondering can we also tag posts using ?

Peter Vágner

I've just found out @Google AOSP edition does not cope well with recicler views. I need to move to the updated but closed source

Peter Vágner

Does anyone know if it might be possible to plug support to ?