#owncloud vs #nexcloud, #seafile ltd vs #seafile gmbh and I haven't even started storing my files in the cloud... https://
Huh! http://
Is there a way to allow all users to access NFS exported share?
Besides the original plan, do we have some #a11y related news for #Servo? It's getting some publicity around me with #a11y planned https://
Sem - tam si na túto vec spomeniem... Ešte niekde tak vygoogliť DJ Isaac remix https://
I am about 9 inches long, You use me every day, I do all the work for you, and I make you happy. What am i? You pervert... I am a TV remote.
Nooo, toto je zaujímavá vec. Data centrum namiesto vojenského krytu celé chladené olejom a k tomu pomáha pri vyhrievaní vody na kúpalisku. Znie to skôr ako utópia, ale evidentne je to fakt realita. https://
Is there a way to Share a page in #Firefox using the keyboard? I can find no dedicated shortcut... http://