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Sysadmin, interested in new technologies, communications, multimedia, accessibility, better Linux than Windows, better Android than IOS and similar.



Peter Vágner

radio app for is now at v3.2.0. Except of things listed in the changelog it features a few improvements and slovak translation. Enjoy a simple but powerfull app with Talkback or any other screen reader of choice. Gplay: F-Droid (coming soon):

Peter Vágner

Samsung Voice assistant users. Is there a pause / resume functionality similar to Talkback e.g. for usage with Braille input methods?

Peter Vágner

Oooops, for nightly does not work for me at all with . has issues. Web content is not .

Peter Vágner

I've just found out @Google AOSP edition does not cope well with recicler views. I need to move to the updated but closed source

Peter Vágner

Is @GoogleAccess planning some activity? My pull request has been closed today.