Argh! The headphone out is now permanently broken on my laptop. At least I have found out I can repurpose the mono mic-in to an output by using hdajackretask app from the alsa-tools. Heh and it indeed works although I can only hear audio in one of the headphone speakers.
Might #toga GUI toolkit success where wxWidgets has not done quite well e.g. #a11y on various platforms? http://
By the way @GNOME_A11y #Orca 3.22 will feature updated slovak translation https://
Ooops, forgot to put letsencrypt cert reneval into cron some 3 months ago.
#owncloud vs #nexcloud, #seafile ltd vs #seafile gmbh and I haven't even started storing my files in the cloud... https://
Huh! http://
Is there a way to allow all users to access NFS exported share?
Besides the original plan, do we have some #a11y related news for #Servo? It's getting some publicity around me with #a11y planned https://