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Sysadmin, interested in new technologies, communications, multimedia, accessibility, better Linux than Windows, better Android than IOS and similar.



Peter Vágner

Essential reading if you can dive more into reproducible builds

Peter Vágner

radio app for is now at v3.2.0. Except of things listed in the changelog it features a few improvements and slovak translation. Enjoy a simple but powerfull app with Talkback or any other screen reader of choice. Gplay: F-Droid (coming soon):

Peter Vágner

hmmm. I feel we all users relying on its shal start looking for a different platform of choice to the future.

Peter Vágner

oh damn! v18 does not handle keyboard input when playing games via built-in

Peter Vágner

can be made accessible when running under linux. It's just that the working patch has not landed for some 10 years...

Peter Vágner

Likes and Reposts handled by the @WithKnown Bookmarks plugin (part 2)

2 min read

Two days ago I have posted an article describing how I started using @WithKnown built-in Bookmarks plugin to handle Likes and Reposts uninstalling Reactions plugin I was using before.
Some people (including andrea and Chris Aldrichreacted on it that prompted me to look at it again and try to clear a few more points.
I did a mistake in my original article and I had to edit it. The bookmarks plugin handles all three classes within a single entity_subtype and I have recommended to create two entity subtypes IdnoPlugins\Like\Like and IdnoPlugins\Like\Repost where i should have only recommended the former.
The Reactions plugin handles the body property of the contents database column differently for Likes and for Reposts so I have added some notes explaining the situation.
And I have completelly missed the look and feel of resulting pages.
As andrea points out, all the Likes and Reposts and Bookmarks now look identical on my site. Unfortunatelly there are only two small differences. The correct classes are used and each type has its own icon. I don't care for the visual appearance that much my-self, however the fact correct indieweb classes are there make me happy I have chosen this route. If someone skilled enough can step up to provide additions to the Bookmark plugin template handling these post types differently, I am happy to see it  on the web and on my site.

There are some more serious issues with this and I hope either I or someone else will be able to suggest and / or add improvements. When posting via micropub e.g. from woodwind all is working well. When posting via bookmarklet or from the Known UI, all the entries are stored as bookmarks. This is the most serious issue.
I have chosen some of my posts so you can see these are valid: Like, Repost, Bookmark.
So I think we are slowly approaching what Chris Aldrich suggests i.e. unifying it all working in the core of Known.

Peter Vágner

Untangling @WithKnown plugin conflicts on the #IndieWeb (Reactions vs Bookmarks)

18 min read

Regarding various Known post types there is a story I would say I think so because at least for me it took so long to sort it out on my instance.
After I've installed Known on my domain some time in july 2016 I have realized the Repost and Like post types don't appear to be available right on the main page so I've installed Reactions plugin.
Everything worked smoothly for me at that time I was posting a lot of likes to my site, I have even reposted a few things. So given the fact it was all perfectly pieced together and worked fine I was not following the Known development and I missed all its updates. In particular one significant change was that since version 0.9.2built in Bookmarks plugin deployed inside the IdnoPlugins/Like folder received an ability to handle likes, reposts and bookmarks. I have only acknowledged this issue about a year later in june 2017.
Looking through both issues there was no easy solution to this seemingly misterious incompatibility and that got me thinking in somewhat different direction.

  • Built-in Bookmarks plugin can now handle likes and reposts.
  • Do I need seperate Bookmark, Like and Repost buttons on the main page if I am either using corresponding bookmarklet or posting from the phone using an android app?
  • Is there something else I might miss in the future Reactions plugins provides?

I was unable to answer the last question however first two points indicate I no longer need Reactions plugin because Bookmarks plugin which lives in the core can do what I need it to do.
Okay so I then went to examine how the data are stored in the database trying to work out if I can turn Likes and Reposts created with Reactions plugin into Likes and Reposts built-in Bookmark plugin can now handle. I'm using MariaDB and first I wanted to see how many entries there are in my database I have created using Reactions plugin.

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM entities WHERE entity_subtype LIKE "IdnoPlugins%Reactions%";

Now how many of them are Likes

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM entities WHERE entity_subtype LIKE "IdnoPlugins%Reactions%Like";

And finally how many of them are Reposts

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM entities WHERE entity_subtype LIKE "IdnoPlugins%Reactions%Repost";

While examining these data I have noticed that the entity_subtype is a dedicated database table column, however the same thing is also stored in the contents column holding all the entity content as a json string. So I have just double checked if these two places agree with each other.

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM entities WHERE contents LIKE "%\"entity_subtype\":\"IdnoPlugins%Reactions%\"%";

And now a different check of the same thing:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM entities WHERE INSTR(contents, "\"entity_subtype\":\"IdnoPlugins\\\\Reactions") > 0;

Now I think I can use these building blocks to conditionally select entities I will be changing. However I don't yet know what changes to do.

This is how the Like created with the Reactions plugin is stored in the database:

MariaDB [mydatabase]> SELECT * FROM entities WHERE (entity_subtype LIKE "%like" ) ORDER BY created LIMIT 1;
| uuid                                                                             | _id                              | owner                              | entity_subtype        | created             | contents                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     | search                                    | publish_status |
| | 58debaa17faedc195f6ca78ca23249f5 | | IdnoPlugins\Reactions\Like | 2016-07-10 12:36:42 | {"access":"PUBLIC","owner":"https:\/\/\/profile\/pvagner","likeof":"http:\/\/\/1467388500.0-note.html","syndicatedto":["https:\/\/\/rrrrrrrix\/status\/748993485538111488","https:\/\/\/10153834879468856\/posts\/10154372324658856"],"description":"Ryan Rix's Catastrophic Data Loss and Me","_id":"58debaa17faedc195f6ca78ca23249f5","slug":"liked-ryan-rixs-catastrophic-data-loss-and-me-0647a70c63","created":1468154202,"updated":1468154202,"uuid":"https:\/\/\/2016\/liked-ryan-rixs-catastrophic-data-loss-and-me-0647a70c63","entity_subtype":"IdnoPlugins\\Reactions\\Like"} | ryan rix's catastrophic data loss and me  | published      |

And this is how a different like created with Bookmarks plugin is stored:

MariaDB [mydatabase]> SELECT * FROM entities WHERE (entity_subtype LIKE "%like" ) ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1;
| uuid                                                     | _id                              | owner                              | entity_subtype        | created             | contents                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         | search                                                                                    | publish_status |
| | 9251ea447da9ae82fdc29af9cac2ee56 | | IdnoPlugins\Like\Like | 2018-01-23 12:48:38 | {"access":"PUBLIC","owner":"https:\/\/\/profile\/pvagner","body":"https:\/\/\/denuvo-has-been-sold-to-global-anti-piracy-outfit-irdeto-180123\/","likeof":"https:\/\/\/denuvo-has-been-sold-to-global-anti-piracy-outfit-irdeto-180123\/","description":null,"tags":null,"pageTitle":"Denuvo Has Been Sold to Global Anti-Piracy Outfit Irdeto - TorrentFreak","slug":"denuvo-has-been-sold-to-global-anti-piracy-outfit-irdeto","created":1516711718,"updated":1516711719,"publish_status":"published","_id":"9251ea447da9ae82fdc29af9cac2ee56","uuid":"https:\/\/\/view\/9251ea447da9ae82fdc29af9cac2ee56","shorturl":"1hJTnB","posse":{"twitter":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/pvagner\/status\/955784340310581248","identifier":"@pvagner","item_id":"955784340310581248","account_id":"pvagner"}],"mastodon":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/@pvagner\/99399219252030242","identifier":"","item_id":"","account_id":""}]},"entity_subtype":"IdnoPlugins\\Like\\Like"} | | published      |

Based off all the stuff I have gathered so far I compiled this short list of steps:

  • Create a backup of your running database so you can go back and retry if something is not working the way you are expecting.
  • Disable reactions plugin. This will stop displaying the broken Likes and Reposts for a while.
  • Tweak the search database table column to contain the same URL  the same thing as body, likeof or repost inside the contents json.
  • Tweak the contents column for all these Likes and reposts which were created by the Reactions plugin
    1. to have "entity_subtype":"IdnoPlugins\\Like\\Like" or "entity_subtype":"IdnoPlugins\\Like\\Repost" respectively. Basically replacing IdnoPlugins\\Reactions with IdnoPlugins\\Like.
    2. to have the same body than the respective "likeof" or "repost". Note that entries created with Reactions plugin are lacking the body property.
    3. To repurpose description into a pageTitle as Reactions plugin does not allow entering a description and makes no use of pageTitle.
  • Change the database table column entity_subtype the same way we have changed entity_subtype within the contents column. This will make all the entries visible again.

Now I need to be able to retrieve the likeof url from the contents discarding all the rest. I know there is a json specific extension for current development version of MariaDB, however I am still running version 10.1, so I'll have to resort to string manipulation and regular expressions. If you are running other database flavour or an older version you will have to tweak this I guess.
I will be only showing queries tweaking Likes, if you are interested you can easily run them again for Reposts as well.

SELECT REPLACE(SUBSTR(REGEXP_SUBSTR(contents, '"likeof":"https?:[^"]*'), 11), '\\/', '/') FROM entities WHERE (entity_subtype LIKE "%Like" AND INSTR(contents, "\"body\":") <= 0) ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 10;

At this point we are finally ready to run some UPDATE statements doing what I have just suggested.

Changing the search database table column for all the Likes created by the Reactions plugin (needs adjusting in order to work with Reposts):

UPDATE entities SET search = REPLACE(SUBSTR(REGEXP_SUBSTR(contents, '"likeof":"https?:[^"]*'), 11), '\\/', '/') WHERE (entity_subtype LIKE "IdnoPlugins%Reactions%Like");

Tweaking the entity_subtype within the contents column (handles both Likes and Reposts at the same time):

UPDATE entities SET contents = REPLACE(contents, "\"entity_subtype\":\"IdnoPlugins\\\\Reactions", "\"entity_subtype\":\"IdnoPlugins\\\\Like") WHERE INSTR(contents, "\"entity_subtype\":\"IdnoPlugins\\\\Reactions") > 0;

Creating a missing body property inside the contents column (you need to adjust it to work with Reposts):

UPDATE entities SET contents = REPLACE(contents, REGEXP_SUBSTR(contents, '"likeof":"https?:[^"]*'), CONCAT("\"body\":\"", SUBSTR(REGEXP_SUBSTR(contents, '"likeof":"https?:[^"]*'), 11), "\",", REGEXP_SUBSTR(contents, '"likeof":"https?:[^"]*'))) WHERE (entity_subtype LIKE "%Like" AND INSTR(contents, "\"body\":") <= 0);

Repurposing descriptions to pageTitles within the contents column for all Likes where there is no pageTitle (you need to also adjust this to work on Reposts):

UPDATE entities SET contents = REPLACE(contents, "\"description\"", "\"pageTitle\"") WHERE (entity_subtype LIKE "%Like" AND INSTR(contents, "\"pageTitle\":") <= 0);

And a final step changing entity_subtype column to be handled by the built-in Bookmarks plugin:

UPDATE entities SET entity_subtype="IdnoPlugins\\Like\\Like" WHERE entity_subtype LIKE "IdnoPlugins%Reactions%Like";
UPDATE entities SET entity_subtype="IdnoPlugins\\Like\\Repost" WHERE entity_subtype LIKE "IdnoPlugins%Reactions%Repost";

Definatelly there might be a more straightforward way on how to accomplish this. Tweaking the data may even not be the right solution, however I think it worked fine for me.

Edit: It turned out I was wrong on some points. So I have edited this article correcting incorrect stuf and I have also posted a follow up article explaining what I have done wrong here.

Peter Vágner

Although recently I have created a mastodon account on a local server I am finding is the future. With you can just follow and it should work. Hmmm. awesome.

Peter Vágner

Obrovské rozmery projektov okolo Biblie

4 min read

Ako som si tak jeden nedeľný podvečer pozeral novinky v katalógu open-source aplikácií pre Android F-Droid, cez aplikáciu RadioDroid som si v databáze rádio staníc z celého sveta všimol stanicu, ktorá vysiela čítané aj dramatizované texty z biblie v množstve jazykov.
Viem, silnejšie veriaci a ostatní, ktorí máte bibliu podrobnejšie naštudovanú určite toto poznáte, no mňa ohromilo takéto hnutie. Otvoril som si teda stránku a nestačil som sa čudovať. Majú texty a nahrávky biblie v nespočetnom množstve jazykov, perličkou je napr. biblia vo východoslovenskom - karpatskom dialekte rómštiny, kde dramatizovaná biblia bola nahrávaná v čechách a zverejnená v roku 2014. Slovenský preklad biblie z roku 1997, dramatizovaný ešte o niekoľko rokov neskôr je žiaľ len audio, teda nie je tak pri počúvaní tejto slovenskej dramatizovanej biblie možné zároveň to isté aj čítať očami, príp si kontrolovať verše podobne ako by sme listovali skutočnou tlačenou knihou ako je možné robiť s anglickým, českým alebo už spomínaným rómskym prekladom.
Nie je to teda len rádio v tradičnom zmysle slova s mobilnými aplikáciami, satelitným vysielaním, ale je to aj online knižnica textov a nahrávok.
Trošičku ma absencia slovenského prekladu v textovej podobe zamrzela, tak som si povedal, že si aspoň pozriem, čo všetko dokážem o tomto zistiť a odhadnem si len tak pre seba ako veľmi je pravdepodobné, že sa to časom zmení. Pochopil som to tak, že stránku prevádzkuje spoločenstvo viera počúvaní, ktoré zastrešuje nahrávky už preložených textov biblie v rôznych jazykoch.
Čo vedia robia sami, no bez spolupráce s lokálnymi organizáciami by to nešlo. U nás je takouto organizáciou slovenská biblická spoločnosť. Na stránke ponúkajú 6 rôznych prekladou biblie v textovej podobe a podľa tohoto článku zapadajú tiež do celkového kontextu projektu s nepredstaviteľnými rozmermi. Okrem nahrávok nového zákona z roku 1997 resp. 2001, ktorý môžeme počúvať aj na niekedy približne v roku 2014 dokončili nahrávanie starého zákona, vydávajú rôzne publikácie napr. bibliu vo zväčšenom písme pre ľudí s poruchami zraku, nedávno zverejnili video nahrávky pre sluchovo postihnutých v slovenskej posunkovej reči na adrese
 a tak som sa dopátral až k obsahovému mozgu nad týmto biblickým projektom, ktorý poháňa tzv. digital bible platform. Myslím si, že skôr či neskôr sa tam dostanú aj materiály, ktoré publikuje slovenská biblická spoločnosť.

No povedzte, nemá spolupráca na takto rozsiahlych projektoch súvisiacich s bibliou okrem duchovného rozmeru ešte aj spoločenský, filozofický a technický rozmer? Myslím si, že toto je dobrá myšlienka pre všetkých, ktorí podporujú dobrovoľnícke open-source, charitatívne alebo iné projekty, kde výsledkom je niečo, čo môžu všetci získať bezplatne a nezištne.

Peter Vágner

pro tip. If you don't know what a device model you have just SSH in and execute 'ubus call system board' withouth the quotes.